Pop passed into Heaven on September 19, 2016. He will be missed by many, even though he would humbly wave his hand, declaring "oh, go onnnn!"
Since I came out of Mom's womb, Pop steadily & unconditionally loved me & was ever-present. Whether 5 hours away enthusiastically sorting through the college experience, or 3600 miles away drowning in heartache tears needing a sound mind, Pop never let me down. Fifty-two years of adoration and caring supported by my earthly Pop. He always had my back and was my biggest fan.
Staying in his home without him there after he passed felt odd. Pop was my vacation destination the last 4 years of his, no doubt. challenging lifestyle due to his declining health and ability to breathe fully. Inside, he still had the zest to find the world's finest sailboat design, or pizza, or masterfully create the perfect soft-boiled egg. Inside, every limited breath was a struggle; yet, he persevered.
From his home, I'd buzz in 'n out, meeting friends & return to share about the time away. He delighted hearing about each visit vicariously, no longer able to accompany me which he did occasionally. One time, he politely and patiently parked at his own four-top in a diner tinkering with a crossword puzzle, while a dear pal and I got caught up.
Pop was like my satellite -- lovingly tethered by a phone call, snail-mail or a visit in person. My "Satellite" is not positioned in his earthly home anymore & now has a new Global Position.
Jesus is my Compass. Pop is my all-important Satellite. How grateful to have had such fortresses to guide, protect and love. Pop's still present in the special way he charmed each of us.
My life's purpose has depth, freedom and significance because of God.
My life is brighter, more balanced and free because of my Pop.
With every breath (no pun intended), I am grateful to have these two Fathers.